Home is with you

I’m so grateful for you-
For all that you are,
And all that you do.

As I gaze into your eyes
In the peace of our room,
As we talk quietly
Under the light of the moon,
I am counting my blessings;
Each one of them a devotion
Exclusively for you,
For us, our girls,
Our families, this life.

I look at you
In the tender light of our space,
I gaze longingly into your face,
And those eyes I adore,
And I know peace.

I look at you and I’m home,
We’ve made it together.

November Leaves

Autumn has arrived in a river of yellow-
Crunchy gold littering
The pavements and paths,
Rivets of copper amongst
The streaming nectar that flows
Down along the ground in rivers.

It’s an explosion of life,
One final burst of peace
That slowly must fade away
To the bare branches,
And cruelty of winter and war.

It’s just a moment,
A mere afternoon one rainy
November day.
But it’ll last forever as a photo,
As a memory, as words that are singed
And demand to burst free,
Just like the leaves
From this sleeping tree.


It’s a monster-
Or a creature of some sort,
Languishing down in the dark
And deepest depths
Of my beating heart.

Every night as the moon
Comes out to play,
She lifts her heavy head-
Lets those emotions come out,
Begs for the freedom to stay,

Yet I MUST keep her locked away.
Otherwise I would know no peace,
I would know no quiet,
I would go mad.

Besides, there is tormented pleasure
In denying yourself,
In denying the beast…
Though it does mean that every
Once in a little while,
I must relent,
I must let her feast.

The spread must be succulent,
Make me full enough to burst,
Feel so good and shattering
That it almost hurts.
A hand on the throat,
Or a bite on the thighs,
Anything to bring out
The crazed desire in your eyes;
For that feeds my fire,
Feeds the monster that lurks
And wallows and wants
To quench hers and my thirst.

For now she is waiting,
Biding her time,
Growing and glittering and watching.
Her presence is always here,
She’s the devil whispering in my ear-
Though for now she’s fallen quiet.
Soon she will rouse,
Prowl and stalk and play
With her eager, loving prey.

I feel the tingle of it already,
The flames licking at my heart…
I can’t wait for that day
To be able to start.

I Love You

I love you;
The way you laugh
Even when I snort,
The way you hold my hand
Whenever we walk,
The way you kiss me
And laugh when I lick,
How you plan for us
And the life we will live.

I love you;
From the tips of your toes
To the depth of your woes,
For the comfort of your arms
And the warmth of your charms.

I love you;
It grows stronger with each beat
Of my heart,
Settling into my veins as peace,
Bursting forth as blossom
From this quiet rose.

I love you; I love you; I love you.

Summer Roses

The roses are almost over,
Hanging on by the tiniest
Of little threads,
Petals litter the ground
And brighten up these grey days.

Even as their buds
Start to wither and wilt,
There is so much beauty dwelling
In those wind-battered stems.

From the curve of a bud
That had scarcely opened
Itself up to the sun,
Only to find it’s time is short
And now nearly done,

To the darkened tip
Of the sharpest thorn,
Curling upwards in a threatening grin-
What menace,
What promise of pain gleams!

A silent plant,
Shouting clearly for the world to see,
Autumn is almost here.

It may bloom no more
For the summer is done,
But the rose will go on
And bloom again and again
Under summer skies without end.


I will lean into your light
And slumber in your love,
Surrounded entirely by the glow
Of your embrace,
At peace in our happy place.

It’s amazing how quickly
These new walls became home,
But that’s because you’re here,
And whether we’re alone
Or surrounded by friends,
I’m safe and sound,
With no sorrows to be found.

So I will rest easy,
Sated and warm.

Nonsense #129

A golden thread
In a fleece of love,
A field of hope.
It’s woven into your skin,
In every crease and crevice
That I alone am allowed to lavish
And love and lick and kiss.

You shine bright,
A beacon of my future
Glowing for the whole world to see-
Us together, happiness!

Yet I’ll linger a little longer
On the thoughts and delights
And charms,
Of these beautiful golden hairs
That dance in the breeze
On the backs of your arms.

My own love,
Reflected back at me,
For all the world to see,
A sea or a symphony
Of you that resonates
Deep within me.


Hell quaked as she stepped forwards,
The sprightly devil
Turned tail and ran,
Horns receding and his face
Became wan.

The hot air ran cold,
Smoke disappearing in a flash-
As her eyes flirted across
The great assembly of broken souls,
And as they met her wanton gaze
Every demon took a step back.

A smile never left her face,
And her laugh echoed
Round every chamber,
Bouncing off every wall.

Hell was hers now,
And It. Would. Fall.